
martes, 25 de mayo de 2010

San Juan Bautista Cuicatlán

Cuicatlán means in Mexica " Place of you will sing, land of the singing or theatre of you will sing "; Foreigner is formed of the voices To sing and TLAN-place or land of; his name in language Cuicateca is Yabaham that means " house of land " and land and baham-house or room is formed of the voices already. The history tells that the principal settlers of this region were the aborigens cuicatecos of that little of his history is known due to the destruction by the Spanish of maps, codices and other testimonies.

Archaeological studies of the zone have made suppose to the specialists that the ascendancies of the group were emigrants toltecas that were dispersed to the fall of Tula in 1064, though the first inhabitants of the territory were of unknown origin. It is known that the cuicatecos managed to be a powerful group divided in dominions, but his neighbors invaded and achieved them to remove them with the help of the mixtecos, the Spanish conquered the region and the cuicatecos, due to the vexations that were suffering they fled to the mountains

It is located in the region of the glen, to 104 Kilometres to the north of the capital of the condition; it is adjacent in the northern part to Concepción's municipalities Eat It, Cuyamecalco Villa of Saragossa, Mazatlán Villa of Flowers, Santa Maria Ixcatlán and Santa Maria Tecomavaca; in the southern part with San Juan Bautista Atatlahuaca, San Pedro Jaltepetongo and Santiago Nacaltepec; in the western part with San Pedro Jocotipac, Santa Maria Ixcatlán and Valerio Trujano and in the eastern part with Concepcion Eat It, San Juan Tepeuxila and Santos Reyes Eat It.

The territorial extension of the municipality is watered widely by the big river, principal river of the locality, in addition the municipality is located in what is known as the Cuenca of the Rio Papaloapam, possessing tributaries of this river, which is excellent for the culture of the handle, the papaya and the watermelon.

Inside the flora that it is possible to find in the municipality it is located love, fig, guapinol, aguacatillo, your oak and cedar in the high parts; in the falls one finds principally palms, ceibas, cactus, biznagas and casahuate. Regarding one counts the wild fauna with doves, tortolitas, badgers, tlacuaches, iguanas, serpents and great variety of insects.

In this municipality the annual holiday is celebrated on June 24 in honor to the holy boss San Juan Bautista activities being realized as masses, calendas, you are hot of pyrotechnic games (toritos and castles), sports games and the traditional popular dance and the most ancient building is the Church of San Juan Baptizer, this way also some particular ancient housings located on the principal streets of the population.

The traditional suit cuicateco already is not used in a habitual way, only in the bank holidays or when there are realized festivities of dance and culture. The feminine suit consists of a huipil of white blanket with embroideries of threads of color of the sleeves and the neck, the underskirt are broad of flowery muslin and colors chillantes; the masculine traditional apparel is composed by a short, free shirt and a trousers knotted in the ankles, being both articles of white blanket.

If your interest is to know the place where previously music was practiced of chirimia and drum, to visit the workshops where works of cabinet-making are realized and furniture of wood are elaborated finely carved, it think not even two times, he visits this beautiful place located in the region of the Glen ... you amaze your senses route

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